Strengthening families and helping children to be successful and becoming Lead Volunteers

Creciendo Unidos provides programs that are sensitive to a Latino cultural context successfully, achieving the participation of children and young people with their families in activities that impact and enhance the complete family. Through the programs, participating families create family unit and it allows children and youth to take decisions that lead them to increase their achievement in school and improve their behavior in their Homes. Our programs offer topics to develop the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to form and sustain healthy relationships in the home and during his lifetime.

As a result, children who have participated in the programs have an increase in their academic development and a high decrease in the risk of involvement in gangs or illegal activities. Adults demonstrate through their involvement that they have more confidence because they have acquired skills which leads them to have healthier relationships and demonstrate an increase in their civic participation within their communities. An average of 50% of the participants of our programs continue to volunteer – leaders to help families get the same results they got from growing together.