Mother participant May 2000 – I thank God for giving me the opportunity to live this experience and be part of this group. I am very happy because it helped me to recognize my faults but also support me as a person also had immediate changes with my husband who is an alcoholic and he could not stop drinking, now with the help of the support of Creciendo Unidos, my husband has 4 months which does not take even a drop of alcohol, I know it is not easy but thanks to Creciendo Uniods, my children and I are strong to support him with love, thanks to all the volunteers for their help, dedication and affection, may God bless you always.

Father participant 2012 – First of all, I would like to thank Creciendo Unidos for giving me the opportunity to join the program. As parents, we know how our children feel our and how they react when they are not treated with respect and affection. This program has taught us that our children feel when we understand them. They helped us to recognize that the most important things in our lives are the love, respect, and unity. Creciendo Unidos has helped us a lot, because they supported us, they understood and advised as we should treat and support among us… Also they gave us lots of information of where we can go to ask for help for other problems that we could have. Thank you Creciendo Unidos.

Creciendo Unidos has helped us a lot, because they supported us, they understood and advised as we should treat and support among usFather participant 2012
Mother participant 2006 – Thanks to the Creciendo Unidos program, I have learned to become a better Mom. I now have better communication with my Daughters and they with me. Personally, it has helped me to see life with joy, the problems more calmly. I know that if I communicate with people someone will listen to me and might be willing to help me to solve what I need. Before I was thinking negative. I have completed a part of my life that I was hurting and I didn’t know it. I’ve learned to recognize my daughters what before did not. There are times that I miss the calm and I despair. It’s when I remember that at that age I was equal to or worse than them. It has been a little more difficult for my daughters and I because I’ve been both, father and mother for them, and it is affecting them not having the father figure. Their feelings change frequently and I learned that when they need me, I have to be there for them and when I see their needs to say words that make them feel good to motivate them. Before I spoke with authority, now I know that it should not be like that. They deserve respect. I’m not the best Mother but I know that I can become it. Thank you for all the support they have given me my family.

Young participant 2010 – Through the time with Creciendo Unidos in my family there have been many changes, but the most important has been with my Dad. He no longer drinks, he doesn’t yell at me anymore and doesn’t hit my Mom. My Mom has also changed, she did used to drink a lot, but she stop drinking as well and gives more attention to my brothers and I. I feel as if I have a new family, it is as if we leave a war zone and we are now at peace. I am very happy. Thank you.