Business Coalition – “Together for You” Coalicion de Negocios

  • Came about in 2011, inspired by volunteer leaders and participants of Creciendo Unidos programs that wanted to pay it forward. The community realized that there were many assets it already counted on within the organization as many of them had their small businesses and decided to work together and make a difference in their community.
  • Coalicion de Negocios
  • CU_Business_Community

    Together we can impact communities

  • Today, Creciendo Unidos’ Business Coalition has expanded to serve entrepreneurs that are starting a business through their Micro-Enterprise Programs, helping small local businesses to grow & expand and is currently working on a third tier level for large businesses and corporations to work with their employees by helping them develop their personal relations at home and at work.

    Creciendo Unidos strongly believes that only when we work together can we make a difference in the lives of the people we serve. We understand that their is a symbiotic relationship between the community, the business community and Creciendo Unidos. Businesses need the community to utilize their products and services, Creciendo Unidos needs financial support from businesses and the community is strengthened by being a part of Creciendo Unidos.

Please click here for a full list of participating businesses.